Why we do not know how to save?

That it suffers and sadness gives the great companies me, that lie as always on the economic problems,as they change the situation to say that they do not leavbe the accounts to him,saying that they do not generate income and the truth of all this she is that behind there is another lie more, in the first place they rise the pays ( Managers, Directors...)Where this the Crisis? Secondly they continue making money, in production and manufacture; Instead of 10millions they gain 5millions but theu say that they lose 5millions, thirdly do not do without don´t mention it,good houses,cars,resturants of luxury,hotels of luxury...and as always the worker is the one that leaves harmed without being no guilty.It is necessary to give him thanks to all the great industralists who manage the great big companies,THANK YOU TO DECEIVE TO US AGAIN!
It is the day of the of Jesus's resurrection and Easter Sunday is celebrated, the typical desserts are Easter eggs, this tradition comes from old Egyptians, according to the place of the celebration the desserts are of traditional eggs, of hot buns, cakes with the chocolate and egg decoration… it is also a day to meet with the family and the godfather gives the Easter cake to its god-daughter/son, mainly in Catalonia. In some places like Catalonia that day is celebrated on Monday, known as Easter Monday.
It is the day of the resurreción of Jesus and the Sunday of Passover is celebrated, the typical desserts are the Passover eggs, that traditionally this custom comes from old the Egyptians, according to the place of the celebration the desserts are of traditional eggs, of buns of burned bread, cakes with the chocolate egg decoration… Also it is a day to meet with the family and the godfather gives the monkey to its goddaughter, mainly in Catalonia.
Just pay attention to false friends, while the word MONA means both monkey ( the animal) and the traditional cake in English these are different words and we cannot translate straight away. Passover it’s a traditional Jewish celebration, and it’s also translated as Pasqua, but dates are differnet and when we talk about Chocolate ckaes, eggs and rabbits we talk about EASTER. Rius
That it suffers and sadness gives the great companies me, that lie as always on the economic problems,as they change the situation to say that they do not leavbe the accounts to him,saying that they do not generate income and the truth of all this she is that behind there is another lie more, in the first place they rise the pays ( Managers, Directors...)Where this the Crisis? Secondly they continue making money, in production and manufacture; Instead of 10millions they gain 5millions but theu say that they lose 5millions, thirdly do not do without don´t mention it,good houses,cars,resturants of luxury,hotels of luxury...and as always the worker is the one that leaves harmed without being no guilty.It is necessary to give him thanks to all the great industralists who manage the great big companies,THANK YOU TO DECEIVE TO US AGAIN!
Our life has changed a lot the last 20 years. Perhaps you don’t remember that the technology was a world where we had always thought with future but expensive for us in that moment. You had to save money to be able to buy a compact disk, a television, or a computer. I only have seen a mobile telephone in the films. The last 5 years this mean has gone at top speed.
But it is not the only think where the life has changed. Nowadays the culture, the politic, the families, all is different.
In 1989 it had been a scandal to watch a woman’s breast on tv in a family show. To talk about the problems of young people has other meanings .The “botellón” and design drugs has being changed for the heroine. Only convicts and legionaries wore tattoos and just the masochist the piercings.
Ali Jihad Racy is a musician and composer. He also does performance and working for ethnomusicologist.
Ali Jihad Racy is regarded as one best expert in Arabic traditional music. His achievements has demostrated that he’s a musician whith a high energy personality.He has done hundred of performances including at NYs Carnegie.He has done compositions fo films, TV and contls articles on Arab music.
Racy began play music when hi was five years old.Her mather played the violin and her fhater was a storyteller and he was also a folklorist author of ten books on folk literature.Racy had two uncles were violinist too.He talk about his childhood in South Lebanon "In my village there were many musicians.
Racy and his wife research with rital music and dance that uss for healing. They research with music is used to create and sustain altered states of consciousness or ecstasy.
Racy has done a book about the art of "tarab".It deals with the emotional efect of music.
He performs two tradicitional music: The rural folk music that he learned went he was a child and the urban music.It finds in the Eastern Arab world.
In composition and performance, Racy also likes join the traditional Arab music with others sounds traditional throughout the world.
He’s the best musician and he captive her audiencia with her music and performace.
I think that is very interesting know and to value our traditions and culture.
Racy doing it (ho està fent)
I would go back to Ibiza,with my family as the landscape and the beaches are very beautiful,at least what I remember when I went 28 years ago, there were typical eivisenques houses, they are very beatiful. We would like to spend a week in one of those houses. About on food I won't have any special dish. Now I am not preparing to travel not either looking on catalogues but.. having dreams is not also living?
When I’m thinking about the article, I’ve can’t remembered changes.
The world rounds very fast, and I can’t see the changes, because my own life is in this vertiginous run.
The beach is in the same place, the sky is blue, and Cercanias is still in a contiuous later.
Two or three years ago, I was in my mother in law house, and I was very bored. I found a newspaper and started to read it. After an hour, when I finished to read the newspaper and not finding anything singular, i saw the newspaper it was of the previuos summer.
The same notices, the same politicians, the same football-play-discusion.
At leats, I’ve though about the changes in last years and I haven’t found many changes.
We have lived a lot of changes from 1989 until now mainly in information and wireless technology.
In 1989 not many people had mobile phone.Today everyone has a mobile phone
In 1989 we sent letter on paper. Now everybody uses e-mail .
In 1989 people bought everything in shops. Now we buy things through the internet.
In1989 it was still special to travel on a plane. In 2009 many people take a plane several times a year.
In 1989 young people tried to listen to and record songs from the radio or cassette player .Now young people can listen to as many songs as they like through the internet.
In 1989 in schools and houses there were not computers. Today schools have computers for children and a lot of houses have at least a computer.
In 1989 only some enterprise had computers but it was as big as a wardrobe and, any enterprise needed a big room to store it.
In 1989 some illness was a lot of difficult for cure.Today some illness have a better treatment but now there are new illness too.
Teresa Ferré
We lived a lot of changes since 1989 untyl now mainly in information and wireless technology.
In 1989 not many people had mobile phone.Today everyone has a mobile phone
In 1989 we sent letter on paper.Now everybody uses e-mail .
In 1989 people bought everything in shops.Now we buy things through the internet.
In1989 it was still special travel on a plane.In 2009 many people take a plane several times a year.
In 1989 young people tried to hear and record songs from the radio or cassette.Now young people can to hear as many songs as they like through the internet.
In 1989 in schools and houses did not have computers.Today the schools have computers for children and a lot of houses have computer.
In 1989 only had computers some interprise but it was as big as wardrobe. Interprise needed a big room for to put it.
In 1989 some illness was a lot of difficult for cure.Today some illness have a better treatment but now there are news illness too.
In Carnival, all people must think is other person. You can be a devil or an angel.
You can be Cleopatra or Madonna.
You can made it wiht clothes and make-up.
And then you go out to stret and enjoy to the party.
There are a lot thematics specialy shops.
You can buy all kind of things abauts every thinks.
Teresa, Julia & Conxita.
the carnival is a popular party around the world. In Tenerife is very important, and it’s the most important celebration in the city.
A peculiar characteristic is to dress up the party and dancing with friends and family.
The people of Tenerife are hopping all the year, and they are reading with very illusion.
The time at celebration is a week, but it’s lived very intensive.
Vanessa and Joan
20 years ago computers were rarely used at home, there were a small range from a Spectrum 64k to an Amstrad 128k and some others that I don’t name now, this has changed from lap top computers to notebooks or mobile computers and of many marks and price variety, 20 years ago there was no Internet for anybody, today everybodycan use it, we can work from house and even making the shopping or look for work without moving or leaving home.
Another change from what happenned 20 years is that there were no mobile telephones, nowday we cannot live without it for a minute.
your text
Ago 20 years the computers that they had at level user were scarce, little variety from a Spectrum 64k until an Amstrad 128k and some that I stop myself to name now this has changed from portables computers until computers calendary and of many marks and price variety, 20 years ago there was not Internet for everybody today this within reach of everybody, we can work from house until even making the purchases look for work without moving.
Another change that 20 years ago there was not it was the wireless telephone mobile, today in day we cannot happen neither one minute without the one.
The carnival in Cuba it’s a great fun. It takes place in he month of August. People hope to entertain because is a public holiday.The floats,the dancers,music,orchestra, fireworks,and rhum and finishing watching the sunrise. In Cuban carnival reflects the joy. Go there and have a good time and you will alwaysr emember it.
by Vanessa, a Cuban girl living in Sant Boi
In Carnival, some people think they can be another person. They can be a devil or an angel.
You can be Cleopatra or Madonna.
You can made it with clothes and make-up.
And then you go out to street and enjoy to the party.
There are a lot theme specialy shops.
You can buy all kind of things about anything.
Teresa, Julia & Conxita.
You can join the most important carnival near my town ¡Sitges!. It is famous around the world because in that town live a very important gay community. That community has a special way to live the carnival.
You can see drags queens with differents and flashy fancy customs. The spectacular parade is very famous.
Elisabeth, Gema Toñi, Ros
The carnival of Rio is the most famous of the world. People around the world arrive each year to Rio de Janeiro the last week of Febraury.
The most important things of this canival are the march with floats and dancers of the samba schools, with his colorfull fantasy dresses.
Maria & Joan
Mr.Felipe Isidro ( Academy of Director )
Mr.David Buisson ( College tutor )
1998-1999 Teacher Physical Education High School Eugeni D´ors ( Barcelona )
1999-2000 Technicien of Fitness Sport Center La Parellada ( St.Boi )
2000-2003 `Physical Trainer Club Basketball ( St.Boi )
2003-2004 Physical Trainer Club Hanball ( St. Boi )
2004-2005 Manager Fitness Sport Center Baldiri Aleu ( St.Boi )
2005-2006 Personal Trainer Europolis - Holmes-Place ( Barcelona )
2006-2007 Teacher Physical Education Police and Fireman ( Barcelona )
2007-2008 Teacher Pilates Health Center Tot Natural ( St.Boi )
2008-2009 Physical Trainer Catalana Tennis of Federation ( Cornella )
Cristian Torres
Date of Birth: 19th July 1975
Address: Street/Road Balmes 5 4º 4ª ST.BOI
Tel: 93 654 35 04
Email: Kristianvizcainov@hotmail.com
2008 Graduate Degree of Dietary and Applied Nutrition to the Sport ( Expert ) León
2007 Graduate Degree of Address of Programs Fitness - Wellness ( Specialist ) Zaragoza
2004 Diploma of Personal Trainer A.C,E ( Americain Council on Exercise ) EE.UU
2004 Certificate of ( Instructor Room ) Barcelona
2003 Superior Grade of Technician of Physical Education High School Vall D´Hebron ( Barcelona )
2007-2008 University of León
2006-2007 University of Zaragoza
1998-2003 Academy of Physical Education ( Superior Grade )
Classic Music , To Read Intrigue Novels , To Practice Sport , To Visit Museums.....
My name is Cristian , I am 33 years old , I am a sincere person and sportsman my work ( Job ) It is Specialist in address of programs Fitness&Wellness , I also give Pilates classes and of Personal Trainer . I study at distance in the University of León of Expert in Nutrition and Dietary applied to the sport . My likings ( Hobbies ) are the classic music , to travel to the foreigner ( Mainly to European Capitals ) . My favourite country and where I would like a time it is Canada.