Playing in Interesting Times
Ali Jihad Racy is a musician and composer. He also does performance and working for ethnomusicologist.
Ali Jihad Racy is regarded as one best expert in Arabic traditional music. His achievements has demostrated that he’s a musician whith a high energy personality.He has done hundred of performances including at NYs Carnegie.He has done compositions fo films, TV and contls articles on Arab music.
Racy began play music when hi was five years old.Her mather played the violin and her fhater was a storyteller and he was also a folklorist author of ten books on folk literature.Racy had two uncles were violinist too.He talk about his childhood in South Lebanon "In my village there were many musicians.
Racy and his wife research with rital music and dance that uss for healing. They research with music is used to create and sustain altered states of consciousness or ecstasy.
Racy has done a book about the art of "tarab".It deals with the emotional efect of music.
He performs two tradicitional music: The rural folk music that he learned went he was a child and the urban music.It finds in the Eastern Arab world.
In composition and performance, Racy also likes join the traditional Arab music with others sounds traditional throughout the world.
He’s the best musician and he captive her audiencia with her music and performace.
I think that is very interesting know and to value our traditions and culture.
Racy doing it (ho està fent)
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