Social English Class.

Education today and tomorrow


We have lived a lot of changes from 1989 until now  mainly in information and wireless technology.

In 1989 not many people had mobile phone.Today everyone has a mobile phone

In 1989 we sent letter on paper. Now everybody uses e-mail .

In 1989 people bought everything in shops. Now we buy things through the internet.

In1989 it was still special  to travel on a plane. In 2009 many people take a plane several times a year.

In 1989 young people tried to listen to and record songs from the radio or cassette player .Now young people can listen to  as many songs as they like through the internet.

In 1989 in schools  and houses there were not computers. Today  schools have computers for children and a lot of houses have at least a computer.

In 1989 only some enterprise  had computers  but it was as big as  a wardrobe and, any enterprise needed a big room  to store  it.

In 1989 some illness was a lot of difficult for cure.Today some illness have a better treatment but now there are new illness too.

Teresa Ferré

We  lived a lot of changes since 1989 untyl now  mainly in information and wireless technology.

In 1989 not many people had mobile phone.Today everyone has a mobile phone

In 1989 we sent letter on paper.Now everybody uses e-mail .

In 1989 people bought everything in shops.Now we buy things through the internet.

In1989 it was still special  travel on a plane.In 2009 many people take a plane several times a year.

In 1989 young people tried to hear and record songs from the radio or cassette.Now young people can to hear as many songs as they like through the internet.

In 1989 in schools  and houses did not have computers.Today the schools have computers for children and a lot of houses have computer.

In 1989 only had computers some interprise but it was as big as wardrobe. Interprise needed a big room for to put it.

In 1989 some illness was a lot of difficult for cure.Today some illness have a better treatment but now there are news illness too.

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