Social English Class.

The new technologies open new changes to the world

20 years ago  computers  were rarely used at home, there were  a small range  from a Spectrum 64k to an Amstrad 128k and some others that I don’t name now,  this has changed from lap top  computers to notebooks or mobile computers and of many marks and price variety, 20  years ago there was no Internet for anybody,  today  everybodycan use it, we can work from house and  even making the shopping or  look for work without moving or leaving home.

Another change from what happenned  20 years is that there were no  mobile telephones, nowday  we cannot live without it for a  minute.


your text

Ago 20 years the computers that they had at level user were scarce, little variety from a Spectrum 64k until an Amstrad 128k and some that I stop myself to name now this has changed from portables computers until computers calendary and of many marks and price variety, 20  years ago there was not Internet for everybody  today this within reach of everybody, we can work from house until even making the purchases look for work without moving.

Another change that 20 years ago there was not it was the wireless telephone mobile, today in day we cannot happen neither one minute without the one.



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